

2.现象解释:what why





With the rapid development of ……
(education,society,technology,culture,economy,medical service)_____,it is of great necessity for to……..
The following solutions can account for this phenomenon/issue.


论点1 First and foremost ,there is no doubt that _____.

论据1 Based on a most recent survey ,it is revealed that( a majority pf successful social admit that they prefer ____)

论点2 Furthermore, it is obvious that it is beneficial for( students to ______)

Where there is a will ,there is a way.(改编谚语)

如where there are friends ,there is communication.Therefore,our speaking ability can be improved.

论点3 Last but not least, no one can deny that it is high time that _____.

论据3 Only in this way, can we ______.


重申观点:In a word , it is clear that we should promote…… If we try our utmost to…….the future of our life will be both promising and rosy.



With the rapid development of ((economy/culture/society/technology/medical/service/education),nowadays youngsters have different options upon graduation.Some thinks that to find a job somewhere is beneficial, while others think to start a business of your own is a better.Personally, I prefer the former/latter.The following reasons can account for my preference.


论点 1 First and foremost ,there is no doubt that _____.

论据1 Based on a most recent survey ,it is revealed that( a majority pf successful social admit that they prefer ____)

论点2 Furthermore, it is obvious that it is beneficial for( students to ______)


Where there is a will ,there is a way.(改编谚语)

如where there are friends ,there is communication。Therefore,our speaking ability can be improved.

论点3 Last but not least, no one can deny that it is high time that _________________________(though )

论据3 Only in this way, can we ______.


In a word, A is better / more suitable than B. If we spare no efforts to ____ the future of our life(与主题相关的)will be both rosy and promising



With the rapid of society/culture/economy/technology/education/medical service,there is an increasing number of citizens moving from suburbs to the urban area.There are a large number of challenges of living in big cities .Followings are some of them.




论点 1.First and foremost ,there is no doubt that _____

论据一Based on a most recent survey ,it is revealed that a majority pf successful social elites admit that they 编一些数据

论点2 Furthermore, it is obvious that( it is beneficial for students to ______)

论据2 万能谚语——改编谚语

Where there is a will ,there is a way

如where there are friends ,there is communication。Therefore,our speaking ability can be improved.

论点3 Last but not least, no one can deny that it is high time that _____

论据3 only in this way, can we ______


In a word , it is of great necessity for the residents to face the challenges. If we spare no efforts to ……,the future of…… will be both promising and rosy.


notice,advertisement,letter,news report,invitation,announcement,speech


文体特征——客观,第三人称(they,he,she,student union)





On December First, Monday ,the Student Union organized a meaningful activity to visit the local farm, in which 300 volunteers actively participated.It turns out to be a great success.


This activity was aimed at cultivating the practical ability of students by ……visiting the farmland and helping the peasants with hard labours. In the early morning just after the arrival of students , the students watered the crops in the field for farmers.(事件一)+when asked about those volunteers’ feelings about such an experience , all of them responded with a smile, saying “what a wonderful practice and i really appreciate this experience, for it makes me learn to care more for others in need.(use my knowledge in practice)(万能补足语一)

After the lunch, the farmers held an experience sharing meeting ,in which the students answered various useful questions.(事件二)Some students showed how to use technology to improve the productivity(补足语二).In the evening, the students and the farmers enjoyed a feast together , which was prepared by the students.(事件三)The peasants praised the cooking of students.(补足语三)


this event/activity turns out to be a beneficial event for both sides.The student union expressed that there will be more meaningful events in the future.(或者more efforts will be made to help farmers in the rural areas)


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